Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why Shravan was a Fuck

Posted: 29 May 2009

It is not that I hold anything personal againsit Shravan. My only concern is that with whatever Shravan did, he set an example and unfortunate as it is, he was revered for the bad example that he set. But that is how society is, isnt it.

I dont know if I'll be able to express these thoughts as I have it in my mind, but what the heck.

What Shravan did, dedicating his whole life to live for others (his parents in this case) and for which he is revered for, is something I think we individuals in our present world already do. We all live oir lives for somebody else, and so to think that here is one guy who was so extraordinarily sacrificial, i dont agree.

To live our lives for smebody else other than ours, is probably the most easiest of things that an individual can do. What is most difficult and desirable is that an individual lives his life according to his own terms and his own wishes and to an extent according to his own whims and fancies.

So why do we think so greatly about Shravan. Keep in mind that my knowledge about him and his deeds may not be complete and it is very possible that that the state I'm in, I may be speaking with my own prejudices in mind and my own complexities... But didnt they say that this was myblog :)

OK. So coming to the point. The society thinks greatly about Shravan. Why, because it is thought that it is the sacrifices of sacrifices to dedicate your life for others.

Now I ask. Is it really so much about sacrificing their own lives because of which all these great men that we consider to be great are great.No, it was all in their self - interest to do actions that they did. These "great" individuals who have been documented by men..the key word here is men... went about their stuff only trying to live and achieve the permanent state of happiness that we all desperately seek in our lives. It was only these other men..the society..that put a mark on these individuals that they were great and that they were infact trying to better the society.So do we really want to believe what has been fed to us?

An irony isnt it, some men thought they dont want to follow the rules put up by other men and want to follow their own path, only to find that after a certain time, that specific path is now considered sacred and looked upon with great respect. But, whenever anybody does try to follow his own heart, the same men call him a joker with contempt in their souls.

Cominf back to shravan though, it is difficult for me to understand the state of mind he may have been to decide that he wants to spend the rest of his life doing pilgrimage for others. I would probably have respected him more had he thought it was in his own interest that he needs to the pilgrimage to seek/gain something/anything.

I dont even know if this entry has made any sense and I dont have much energy to read through it to see if it matches the title given to it. Best of luck to anybody who reads it.

Sorry Shravan.

1 comment:

  1. But why poor shravan? There are so many other fucks around..shravan..he he he give him a break..aint he tired already?
