Monday, September 7, 2009


Written: 28th Aug 09

The beauty of abstractness lies in that it may be incomplete in itself or shallow in thought or of mediocre nature (as perceived by the creator), but when interpreted (naturally by one other than the creator), can generate so meaningful a thing such as a great expression or an idea and if indeed it may be a lucky day, even a beautiful poem,which in so far it is abstract in its interpretation, may complete this viscious and beautiful abstract circle.


  1. I disagree... the beauty of abstractness lies in its depth not its shallowness... the depth is seen only by the creator and by those who try to assume the creators mind-set... if an abstract thought is mediocre (and if thought so by the creator) then it is jibbreish... its beauty lies in its ubiquitous nature

  2. You will only need to see your comment for my Moral Judgements post to see my point.

    It is very likely I may have not completely thought out my thoughts (abstractness incomplete in itself as by the creator), or it could have originated just as a joke (shallowness)), but your perspective(interpretation)? :)
