Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Gay Association

Posted: 16 September 2007

Note : No disrespect meant to gays or lesbians whatsoever..

Well Well.... A first time for me...Before anybody get's any ideas, a first time in the sense of witnessing a gay concert ...

After my dinner in the mall near my hotel , I noticed there was live music being played across the road.By the time i crossed the road , I saw two chicks making out near a car. As I was moving ahead, i had realised that this was nothing like a show I had been to before.The live music show was organised by the Lesbian Association in Brasilia.

By the time I was in the midst of crowd, along with holding on to my mobile and wallet, I had become pretty conscious of the fact that i could myself be a nice pick for somebody out there.Kept on shifting my place as soon as I saw a guy next to me . Realised how single women might feel walking alone in a deserted street with prying eyes..man..not good for them... (in New Delhi if u want a cue!!)

Anyways, that was just an initial reaction, after that as the music played on and as I saw the crowd having a good time with their own partners, I began to take in the experience as well.Started moving about the place. Saw girls with girls, guys with guys, guys with girls as well.

Maybe because in India the Gay community is not so open, could be a reason for me having a stereotypical image of guys being gays as totally feminine looking with all their hand movements and females having the boyish looks and all, but all those stereotypes i had in mind were gone after half an hour . Sure i did see some like i just mentioned, but for most of them, if you saw them on the streets, you wouldnt be able to recognise these people as having their sexual preferences towards their own kind. Personally, i felt dissapointed that some the good looking girls that i saw had a different taste..but also felt better that with a sizeable male population there, competition was less.. :)))

As I was heading back to my hotel after the show, couldnt help but think about what its said about every man's fantasy of two women together and himself in between and felt good that its a fantasy worth fantasizing about.

As for seeing the males getting up,close and personal to each other...well...its not my cup of tea, coffee,beer,whisky... :))


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